
Secondary (Revision) Rhinoplasty

Secondary (Revision) Rhinoplasty

It’s called for an extra operation for patients who don’t like their nose shapes after operation or having deformation because of trauma. With this operation, nose shape and breathing problems can be fixed.

Pre-Operative Interview

In the interview, your complaints about your nose and your expectations after the operation are primarily evaluated.

Deformity on the nose is detected ( asymmetry, curvature, reduction in the nasal tip, inverted V deformity, flattened nose, jammed in the latch nose, piggy nose, clown nose, pinoccio nose etc.)

Informations about your nose problems are given, solutions and operation techniques are explained.

Breathing is checked by examining the intranasal structures in detail by the help of an endoscopic device. If there is a serious problem in breathing, a sinus film is taken and the problems such as polyp, sinusitis, nasal concha and deviated septum are fixed in detail. During the operation, these problems (if any) are solved.
When you decide to have the operation, my assistant plans the suitable day for the operation.

Duration of the Operation

Minor surgical intervention can be done 6 months later from your previous surgery, major surgical intervention can be done after 1-2 years later from your previous surgery. (because your nose take shape in this time period)

Preparation for the Operation

You should stop taking aspirin and its derivatives one week before the operation.

  • It is recommended not to smoke for a while before and after the operation.
  • The fact that women menstruate on that date is not an obstacle for the operation.
  • Do not put on any makeup, do not use hair gel, wear comfortable clothes and leave your jewels at home before coming to the hospital for the operation.
  • Do not eat or drink anything 6 hours before the operation.
  • Be present at the hospital about two hours before the operation.
  • When you come to your room, you may be given an oral drug if you want, it will relax you.

Operation Technique

Closed or open technique can be used (there will be no scar) depending on previous operations and nose structure.

Cartilage, bone and soft tissue which are formed nose structure are reshaped! (The point where art and science meet). Reduction in the nasal tip or extreme elevation, asymmetry, curvature in the nose, nose tip, nostrils are fixed. Secondary rhinoplasty’s purpose is to make patient’s nose personal, proportional to patient’s face.

During the operation, if cartilage is necessary my first choise is to use cartilage from inside the nose. If those cartilages are used in the first operation or not enough, we need to take cartilage graft. In this situation my second choice to take graft from is ears, third choice is ribs. (P.S: during the taking graft from ear won’t change your ear shape or damage your hearing and there won’t be any visible scars because of taking it from behind of the ear.)

Deviated septum that prevents breathing in nose (nose middle wall curvature) and concha are corrected during operation.

After aesthetically shaping the nose, special tapes are adhered to and a plastic splint is placed in the external part of the nose for a period of 5-7 days.

No tampon is used.

Type of Anesthesia

General anesthesia is preferred for you not to feel and not to remember the surgical procedure.

Duration of Operation

It changes between 2-3 hours depending on the problem of the nose.

Recovery Period

The patient is discharged on the day of the operation or stays in the hospital for one night depending on the operation.

Hilotherapy mask is applied after the operation. Therefore, pain, swelling and bruise on the face occur rarely. Cooling with Hilotherapy mask is applied between the degrees 15-20 and so the patient is relaxed in the first hours.

First day, with the help of cooling mask (first 3-4 hours hilotherapy and then cool compress) and painkillers, our patient is relaxed.

It is important that your head is at a high position (i.e. sleeping on two pillows) when lying on the bed for one week after operation.

If a perforates silicone splint (enables breathing from the nose) has been used, it is removed 2-3 days after the operation and you can take a warm shower without heating up the plastic splint put on the nose.

2 days after the operation is the period when the swelling and edema are at the highest level (depending on the structure of the person and the technique applied) and then, they rapidly disappear.

The plastic splint and tapes on the nose are removed 5-7 days after the operation. And a skin-color tape is put on your nose for one week more and your edema is ensured to completely go away.

About 7 days after the operation, you can go back to your work depending on your recovery period and the work you perform.

If necessary, you will be instructed on how to make a nasal massage depending on your nasal structure.

You can start using your contact lenses 3 days after, glasses with a light frame 1 month after and glasses with a heavy frame 3 months after the operation.

If the concha and deviates septum are intervened due to the difficulty in breathing, nasal blockage is normal after the operation, this will go away in time within about 2 months. It results from the swelling and scabs inside the nose.

2 weeks later you can start doing light exercises that do not force you and you can swim six weeks later.
The nose takes its final shape about 6 months-1 year later.
In the researches, it is seen that the patients have a positive development in human relations and their behaviors after the operation. You’ll notice and enjoy the new shape of your nose after the 3rd week of the operation.

Techniques i developed on rhinoplasty concept are

published on world's

top medical journals.

Nose Art Book

Was Published From Doğan Book House

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