
Rhinoplasty Without Tampons

Rhinoplasty Without Tampons

The tampons that show the nose of patients enormously and cause more swelling and bruises in the rhinoplasty surgery are not used by many surgeons anymore.

Rhinoplasty There are different kinds of tampons used in a rhinoplasty operation. The previously used compression bandage compressed in the nose prevented the patient from breathing after the operation and caused bleeding and pain. Such cases led the patients to avoid rhinoplasty operations.

In rhinoplasty without tampons; a special tool called intranasal perforator is used. No nasal tampon is used. Since the patient’s nose is not blocked, he can breathe through the nose easily. There is no need to do additional cleaning inside the nose. The dissolvable stitches are placed in the nose with this tool. The stitches do not need to be removed after the operation; they dissolve by themselves about 10 days later.


The tampons that show the nose of patients enormously and cause more swelling and bruises in the rhinoplasty surgery are not used by many surgeons anymore.


There are different kinds of tampons used in a rhinoplasty operation. The previously used compression bandage compressed in the nose prevented the patient from breathing after the operation and caused bleeding and pain. Such cases led the patients to avoid rhinoplasty operations.


The tampons that show the nose of patients enormously and cause more swelling and bruises in the rhinoplasty surgery are not used by many surgeons anymore.

Techniques i developed on rhinoplasty concept are

published on world's

top medical journals.

Nose Art Book

Was Published From Doğan Book House

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