Liposuction Fat Removal, Body Contouring
Liposuction known as fat modeling (“lipoplasty”) or simply lipo is a cosmetic surgery operation that removes excess fats from certain parts of the human body through special vacuum or special injectors. Through liposuction, excess stubborn fats in deep layers are removed and also fat accumulation leading to contour irregularities are eliminated by surface- liposuction or liposculpture method. In America, about 400 thousand people undergo liposuction operations every year. It can be applied to abdomens, belly, backs, arms, chins (double chin), outer thighs, inner thighs, inner knees, breasts (gynecomastia) and hips.

Now it is believed that more amount of fat cells can be removed as a result of developments in liposuction for 30 years due to its accessibility, less blood loss, less discomfort and less risk. Also, the fat removed can be used as natural fillers. This is called “autologous fat transfer” and the fat removed in this procedure is injected in order to reshape an area of the body, reduce or eliminate wrinkles.
Liposuction operation is not a good alternative to diet or exercise. It is not an operation for losing weight, but rather for correcting body contours. This operation is applied to the areas containing stubborn fat tissues that cannot be removed by diet or sport activities, thus present fat cells are decreased, too. To be a good candidate for the liposuction procedure, you need to be over 18, physically healthy, have an ongoing diet and exercise program and stubborn fat pockets. The safety limit is deemed to be 4.5 liters approximately in the liposuction operation. Higher amounts can be removed but the measures to keep the liquid and electrolyte balance of the patient should be taken. If the patient has wider areas, he/she can have another liposuction 3-6 months later.
Pre-Operative Interview
In the interview, about your present complaints and expectations after the operation are primarily evaluated. You are informed about the details of the operation. If you are shown the pictures of the previously operated patients, it will be easier for you to decide..
Preparation for Operation
You should stop taking aspirin and its derivatives one week before the operation. (Do not stop taking the medication you permanently use without consulting your doctor).
It is recommended not to smoke for a while before and after the operation.
Do not put on any makeup, do not use hair gel, wear comfortable clothes and leave your jewels at home before coming to the hospital for operation.
ODo not eat or drink anything 6 hours before the operation.
Be present at the hospital about one hour before the operation.
The photos of the area to be treated are taken.
When standing, the target areas are marked on the body.
When you come to the room reserved for you, you may be given an oral drug if you want, it will relax you.
Operative Technique
There are so many liposuction application techniques and devices which have advantages and disadvantages.
-Vacuum-Assisted Liposuction (SAL):
Classical liposuction is used together with a small cannula and vacuum device in this procedure. After the plastic surgeon gives special liquid to the fat layer, he enables the fat cells in this area to be broken down with back and forward movements and they are sucked.
-Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL):
Fats are broken down by Ultrasound and removed by vacuum.
-Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL):
Fats are broken down and removed with special mobile cannula tips.
-Water Assisted Liposuction (WAL):
Fat tissue is made slurry with solution by means of a special cannula and removed. During liposuction, solution is constantly added and the slurry is aspired by means of the same cannula. Less solution is unfiltered and less edema is developed by WAL.
External Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (XUAL or EUAL):
XUAL is the external application of ultrasonic energy through skin. It makes it unnecessary to use a cannula in the UAl procedure. It is not a widespread procedure today and its effect in clinical works is not absolute yet.
Twin-cannula (assisted) liposuction (Tcal or TCL):
Twin cannula (assisted) liposuction fat aspiration cannula protects the patient’s tissue thanks to a special twin cannula (one tube inside one tube). With the 1-2 mm vibration of the inner cannula inside the external cannula, surface or subcutaneous fat aspiration is provided and also potential cannula friction burnt is eliminated.
-Laser Assisted Liposuction (LAL):
Fats are broken down with laser energy and removed by means of a cannula. It has the effect of tightening the skin as a bigger advantage than the other methods.
Liposuction operation is performed in an operating room and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. Special cannula input areas are 2-4 mm and there is no need to stitch generally or only 1 stitch is put.
Type of Anesthesia
Local anesthesia is used in small areas, and local anesthesia and sedation (narcotizing through vascular access) in bigger areas. For much larger applications, general anesthesia can be used.
Duration of the Operation
Operation changes between 0.5-3 hours depending on the vacuum area.
Recovery Period
After operation, dressing is done and special liposuction clothing is put on. You can leave the hospital on the same day or one day later depending on the type of operation and the anesthesia applied.
You can get back to work in 2 days or 2 weeks depending on the procedure.
No notable pain occurs after the operation, painkillers will make you relaxed.
Edema, bruises, numbness or formication are less seen comparing to the other liposuction methods.
They go away in 3 weeks automatically. The patient can continue to wear liposuction clothing (corset) for about 5 weeks. Liposuction cannula input area is 2-4 mm and becomes almost invisible in 3 months.
You’ll notice and enjoy the new shape of your body after the third week. The liposuction area takes its final shape between 6 months 1 year.
Liposuction operation is a cosmetic surgery that generally gives good and long-lasting results and restores the person’s mental health.